Monday, 6 December 2010

THERE ARE NO FREE SAUSAGES - beware the PP pre-election campaign has started!

On Sunday 5th December several busloads of folk left Orihuela Costa and Entre Naranjos for a free lunch in Orihuela.
Don´t be fooled, these people, along with residents from Orihuela city and the pedanias were actually being fed to swell the ranks of the PP at their pre-election campaign launch  (how many would have been there without free transport and a free lunch?)

                  On the Menu: sausages for votes, paella for votes! 

Who paid for the buses? the sausages? the paella? the party furniture? the bouncy castle and the soft play environment for the children?

I would love someone to tell us who paid. Until I hear different I am left wondering: DID WE THE  TAX PAYING RESIDENTES OF THE MUNICIPALITY OF ORIHUELA FUND THIS PP GIVE-AWAY?

So depending on the numbers present let´s do a few rough estimates:
      1,000 people at 3€ per head = 3,000€,
                2,000 people at 5€ per head = 10,000€,
                       3,000 people at 8€ per head = 24,000€

In the monthly council meeting last week Councillor Rosa Martínez, PSOE opposition councillor for Orihuela Costa, presented a petition signed by residents of Orihuela Costa, asking the Ayuntamiento to arrange an "Arrival of the Three Kings Procession" on January 5th in Orihuela Costa, ......a procession like one the children of Orihuela City will enjoy (and children in every neighbouring municipality where the residents are valued).
The request was refused!
(The PP added that it was a bit late to ask at the November pleno!)

Well escuse me! The residents and Rosa Martínez should NOT HAVE HAD TO ASK! The municipal council should have planned a procession for the kids in the Costa at the same time it was planning the procession in Orihuela city. A non-political procession for the children with a few sweets given away would have pleased residents more and would have cost less money!
           What do you say? You can give your opinion on May 22nd 2011 in the municipal elections.
           If you want change, register to vote! 

       The final date for registering to vote is 30th December. It´s still not too late!   


  1. Yes, it seems the elections are starting early.
    The pp seem to have adopted a US style campaign- bus in the masses and fill their stomachs with hot food and plenty of hot air.
    So,it looks like Monica is standing again. She does seem very confident. Or is she worried? I think I would be if I was in her shoes! What does the rest of the world think? Comments please!

  2. Were people told it was the PP election campaign launch? And let us know if you find out how it was paid for.

  3. On the version of the invitation in English the heading was "FIESTA PARTIDO POPULAR" and it was described as "a social get-together". And if I find out how it was paid for I certainly will let you know!

  4. Well, if the taxpayers aren't paying for the sausages, then you can bet some greasy bloke with an interest in development or contracts will be. it's a shame that Spanish elections seem to depend on who can offer the most free food.

  5. Great blog, congratulations I enjoy reading your honest comments, you're a brave woman! You're highly motivated and very hard working to give a greater equality to Orihuela Costa. Thank you for this!

  6. Hola Rebecca,....its getting time you get back overhere!!!!With your spicy and refreshing articles we certainly can use, and apart from that ...I am sure that there will be plenty people who will offer you free food and accomodation and certainly because people here know that you can't be bought..(like that new press-officer of Monika Lorente!!!!)

  7. We will have to hope that voters are not taken in by a few sausages and paella. Maybe they are worried
